Innovators of the Patented "Color Shell" Technique


"The philosophy here at Quale Company is simple, we desire to give you the highest quality products available, while providing you with the best possible service. We develop and market innovative tools to assist cosmetologists in all areas of their profession. Our philosophy is to provide cosmetologists with products that stimulate their creative energy and promote a consistant first class performance. " 


Quale Company Inc.
12 Interchange Dr.
West Lebanon NH, 03784
Phone: 1-603-298-5495
Fax:     1-603-298-7871


Order Information

Colors Shells are shipped in a package containing 1 dozen (12 Shells)
Please order by the package only.
The minimum order is one package (containing 12 shells)
Please cllick HERE for a fillable purchase order form.


Short Color Shells cost $14.00 per package.
Large Color Shells are $16.00 per dozen.
CD Training Videos $10.00 each

Shipping and Handling - will be added to order depending on quanitity orderd.
See order form for specific shipping charges.
We ship anywhere in the US.

We accept the following payments:
Check or Money Orders
Pre-payment Only
Credit Card Orders
Master Card & Visa
Please send check or money orderto:
Quale Company Inc.
12 Interchange Dr.
West Lebanon NH, 03784

We accept Master card or Visa credit card
orders by phone only, this web site does not offer these services.

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